Grant and Baby Cameron

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

My Newest Cousin, Baby Carson.

I am so excited to have another cousin and he sure is beautiful. Here is a picture of cousin Ellie and brand new baby Carson. I guess I'm no longer the baby in the family. Does that mean I need to change my blog address?? Posted by Picasa

Cousin Jake and I

Here's me and my cousin Jake. I sure like hanging out with him. He'll be visiting in December. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Got a Big Bonk

I was running around upset, tripped, and fell right into a wall. I cried so hard that I passed out and went unconsious for a second or two. Mommy, Daddy, and Double G got worried so we went to Reston Hospital and I got a cat scan.

I was really scared but Daddy played a DVD for me and that way I was distracted from the CAT scan machine.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Birthday Balloons

Check out these cool birthday balloons connected to my car.