Grant and Baby Cameron

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Boating with Uncle Charlie

Ok dad, I've got my PFD on and am ready to go.  Posted by Picasa

Monday, April 24, 2006

Easter Outfit

Here's my Easter Outfit mommy got for me. Luckily my name is on it in case I get lost at the egg hunt. Posted by Picasa

Awesome Eater Basket

The Easter Bunny sure was nice to me. Thank you Easter Bunny, and Jesus for saving us from our sins! Posted by Picasa

Family Easter Photo

Happy Easter everyone!  Posted by Picasa

Watch Out!

Mommy, watch your back! I don't trust this furry fella behind you. He tried to ambush me by popping out of the elevators.  Posted by Picasa

Friday, April 21, 2006

Something in my milk??

Mommy and daddy, I just read this article in the WSJ, A Guilty Secret: Some Parents Sedate Kids To Keep Them Calm on Long Flights.
, you better not put anything in my milk on the flight to Disney. Apparently I have a 1 in 5 chance that you might try this.

In an online poll conducted for this column by the parenting Web site, 33% of 3,657 parents who responded said they'd never sedate their children for a plane flight, and 24% said they've never needed to. But 18% said they have and would do so again, and an additional 20% said they've considered doing so.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Playing Among the Cherrie Blossoms

Alexandra, Ava, and I had a good time playing duck, duck, Goose among the Cherrie Blossoms in front of the Jefferson Memorial.  Posted by Picasa

Cherrie Blossoms

Hey, where are you going? Don't leave us here to take a picture!  Posted by Picasa