Grant and Baby Cameron

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Jungle Gym

This jungle gym sure is fun. 
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Lake Newport

Mommy and daddy hurry up with the pictures, I have to pee! 
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Monday, January 02, 2006


Check out all the presents I got!! Wow I must have been a really good boy this year. Thanks St. Nicholas and thank you Jesus for being born! 

Christmas Video

Good job Daddy getting all this on video. I can't wait to watch it later. 

Nana and Papa Bear

Merry Christmas Nana and Papa Bear. Boy Papa Bear looks a lot better without that mustache. 
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Santa's Whiskers

Check out Aunt Sissy and Daddy making Santa's Whiskers. Mmmm. Yummy. 
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Hanging with Jake

I sure love hanging out with my cousin Jake. He rocks! Buddy, can you get me an apple juice from the bar?